Contribution to the art. Art creation

Other activity presented arount the topic of Contributions to the Art. The activity had two parts: One where different countries presented the contributions to the art from the different countries, and a second part while all the students together created a mural to represent all the countries involved in the project. Here we can see […]

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October 18, 2019

Discovery of America. Role play

But what difficulties could be produced when the Conquerors arrived to America? And how the original inhabitants of these lands could feel themselves? To try to understand the process of the Conquer of the New territories, during the meeting in Greece a role play was created to make our students feel how the protagonists of […]

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October 18, 2019

Contributions to the art. Presentations

Other activity presented arount the topic of Contributions to the Art. The activity had two parts: One where different countries presented the contributions to the art from the different countries, and a second part while all the students together created a mural to represent all the countries involved in the project. Here you can see […]

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October 18, 2019

Current problems. Video recording

Even when the topic where presented in Slovakia in a previous meeting, during the meeting taking place in Pallini, we recorded the sessions of the European mini-parliament where the different groups of students presented the current problems the countries are facing, asking questions and trying to solve them. As some of the countries made small […]

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October 16, 2019

Discovery of America. Presentations

One of the facts that openned literary the frontiers in Europe, was the Discovery of America. So, we decided to include it as one of the activities to be putted in common. Each of the countries was responsible of presenting what the discovery of America represented in different aspects. Here we can see their presentations: […]

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October 16, 2019

Democracy. Electoral Systems

Another activity to be presented during the meeting taking place in Pallini (Greece), was Democracy. A first part of the activity, consisted on presenting the different Electoral Systems from the different countries. Here you can see the materials created by the different countries: GREECE Greek students presented briefly the history of Democracy and they also […]

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October 16, 2019

Opening to the World: Characters

The first activity to be placed in common during the meeting taking place in Pallini, Italy, was the Characters that were important for the Opening to the World. And here you can see the presented materials: GREECE Greek students presented a couple of men important for the foundation of the modern Greece, here you can […]

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October 14, 2019

Our program for Erasmus Days

On 10th, 11th and 12th October 2019, we celebrate #ErasmusDays and we are celebrating them in our social networks. Even when the page has been in progress of creation during these months, we will open it officially as one of the events taking place during these days.

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October 10, 2019