Migratory Movements

The last activity to be shared during the meeting taking place in Slovakia is about migratory movements. And here we can see the different materials presented during the meeting: GREECE Greek Students presented the following video about the Greek borders through centuries: ITALY Italian students also presented the following videos about inmigration in Italy: And […]

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April 10, 2019

Current Conflicts

During the meeting, students should present some topics about current problems affecting their countries currently. This problems should be presented in a miniparliament, but finally, this part and the recording of the session will took place in the meeting organized in Greece for October. But here we can see the topic presented by each of […]

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April 10, 2019

War of the Balkans

The War of the Balkans was the last Warlike conflict taking place in European territories, and is recent enough for our students to know the events in a “direct” way, it means, they can ask for their oppinion to somebody close to them in the family and still alive. To of the countries enroled in […]

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Wars and changing borders

During the meeting been developped in Slovakia, we prepared some presentations about Wars and changings in the borders.   Here you can see the presentations the different countries prepared for the meeting: GREECE Greece presented the involvement and consequences of World War II for Greece. But also they included information about the development of the […]

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April 10, 2019

European Institutions. Posters

During the meeting that is being celebrated in Slovakia, we have presented different posters corresponding to different supranational institutions that work to try to solve conflicts and not ending in Warlike conflicts. Here you can see the different posters presented buy the different countries: GREECE The Greek students presented their poster about the European Union […]

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April 8, 2019