Today, the topic of the meeting is Mythology, so the different countries presented their myths and how they have worked this topic in the different schools. Here we can see the retransmission of the activity:
In case it’s not possible to see properly the different presentations, here we add them:
Greece presented their mythology, explaining the main topic appearing in the tales, and also presented the myth of Icarus and Daedalus:
Italian students presented also the myths from their country, exactly the Myth of Romulus and Remus, a well known myth about the origins of the city of Rome. Here it is the presentation they did:
They also presented the myth of Aeneas, the Greek Hero connected with the same origin of Rome:
Students from Latvia presented the myth of Big Chrostopher founding the city of Riga:
After it, they also presented the Myth of Daugava Digging, giving explanation to the appearence or behave of different animals:
Students from Slovakia presented a couple of videos about myths and legend from their country, one related to their town, PĂșchov, and the other from Slovakia:
Spanish students presented the myth of Pyrene and the origin of the mountains in the north of their country separating them from France. Here you can see their presentation:
But they also prepared this video, where it was possible to see how mythology was worked during the classes of Classical Culture at school:
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