The Project

Cultures Diversity, One Europe

Result of the Final Evaluation: 90 points.


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This page has been created dedicated to Erasmus+ KA2 Project “Cultures Diversity, one Europe” developped from 1st September 2018 to 31st August 2021.In this project, we are five schools enroled, and we are working on five different topics:

  • Origins
  • Wars and Migrations
  • Opening to the World
  • Scientific and Cultural Legacy
  • Socio-Economic Legacy

The objectives trying to be reach by this project are the following:

  1. Analysing the sucesive cultures having emerged in Europe through centuries allowing to understand the importance of diversity as a key element to reach the improvement in European citizenship.
  2. Understanding the effects produced by warlike conflicts from 20th Century related to the great migratory movements and their incidence in the Card of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.
  3. Identify and value the importance of great historical events originated in Europe thanks to the boost of occidental civilizations.
  4. Analyse great current challenges of Europe related to the conservation of environment, economic globalization and migratory movements.